What are the dates for the trek?

June 22-24, 2015

Who can go on the trek?

Youth attendance:  YM/YW ages 12-18; graduating Seniors over 18 are welcome to attend
No youth under the age of 12 are allowed to participate
Adults by invitation...

Is there a cost?

No cost for attendance...the Stake is paying for all of the costs involved

When do I need to return my Permission/Medical form?

Youth must return this form to your ward representative before Sunday, March 15, 2015.

Where is the location for the trek?

The trek will be located at the Lazy R Ranch in Sweet, Idaho.  http://www.idahoguestranch.com/

Travel time & transportation

To be determined...

How much walking will we do?

We will walk and pull handcarts each day. It will be important to be in shape and to have sturdy tennis shoes/boots. Start now to exercise and to break in your shoes. You will be glad you did! Be prepared to walk 10 miles a day.

When do I need to have my pioneer clothes?

Prior to Trek...see the Clothing link for ideas, etc.

Can I wear contacts?

The use of contacts is discouraged. It can be windy and the handcarts might make a lot of dust. Plan now to have a pair of glasses you can use. If you must wear contacts have a sturdy pair of sunglasses on hand to protect your eyes.
Can I come to Trek late or leave early?
No. Trek is being held on a  ranch and we will be several miles from a locked gate. If you attend trek you must arrive and leave with the main group.
Can family or friends attend?
See "Who Can Go On the Trek" question above...
How many adults can go?
Only a limited number of adults are able to attend due to the expense and limited space.
Where do I start?
Pray, read, plan, exercise and break in shoes and socks. Youth Committee members will update wards. Go to our Trek website frequently for up-to-date information and ways to prepare.
We are hopeful that the Trek experience will invite the youth to “Come Unto Christ”. In addition, the youth will gain an appreciation for the early Church pioneers and learn from their trials, faith and testimonies.

Can I bring my iPod or cell phone?

No. You may not bring cell phones, MP3 players, gaming devices, or other electronics.